Peruvian nationality influenced by his family, he started to developed his own talent since was a kid standing out won contest of drawing and painting.
Graduated in the school at Bellas artes in Lima Peru. He got married with Miriam present wife with he started to show his first paintings from his own family bussness “Leonard’s Art Café” in Lima city ending at 70.
Later his artistics concern, he took a big decistion to travel to USA and settle down in miamy city at begining at 80.
It was a lethargy in his artistic career and at 90 he will appears again with some master pieace of Christian art, subject that greatly impressed the spanish priest father Eusebio Gomez (Singer and composser) in that moment as Director of Carmelita center in Miami city, motivated by his own passion created a great freindship and born “A Dios por el Arte” artistic movement from latino painters Which grew in the years.
For 2000, Gabriel made a decition to venture his own hidden passion, stone sculpture with marble, made his firsts expo through artistic movement “ALAS” who promote the event of culture Friday, the fameous Street eight in the sunny capital.
In 2006, open up his own gallery at Brickel area, through that he recieve his first award, the 1 place in stone sculpture with marble with the masterpiece “Maternity” in the carnaval on the mile in the coral gables city in Florida in 2007
Since that Gabriel has been able to participate in different event and galleries such as:
• O’koyes art gallery in Atlanta Georgia 2007.
• Diego Victoria fine art in NMB City, Florida 2007 – 2008.
• Hernan Miranda fine art oil on canvas «EQUOS» 2011.
• Miami Art Center in windwood Miami 2013-2014-2015-2016 Art Basel Miami.
• Representations in China,Beijing 2015.
• Blanco Stone Gallery Miami art district 2010-2011-2012 Art Basel Miami.
• Akiba Antiques & Art Gallery – Ford Lauderdale Florida. 2016-2017
Also Gabriel’s art is promoted and exposed in Miami home show in Miami beach since 2012 until now.
Gabriel created a lot of masterpieces for private commissions and collectors in the Palm Beach.
At present the artist is doing a new develoment in this style of sculpture
Also is prepare a exposition of olea painting, plastering a worldwide theme concern about politics issues in the global economic.
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Una Obra de arte es un regalo de quien la concibe, la realiza y la ofrece al mundo, tocando la vida de quienes lo rodean creando belleza y dando felicidad desde el fondo de su alma y cargada de amor; haciendo su existencia más rica. Gracias Gabriel Juarez por tocar mi vida con tus obras y darle ese plus de belleza y felicidad.